All Posts tagged as "Typescript"

Build a FullStack AMA app with Remix, Prisma, PostgreSQL

Learn how to build a fullstack app, from spec to production, using remix, prisma and postgresql starting from planning out the app's spec at a higher level and breaking it down into smaller modules and bringing it altogether to form a finished product


Send push notification an expo app from meteor.js

Learn how to integrate push notification in an expo/meteor app


Build a group chat app with react native and meteor

See how you can build a fully featured offline app using React Native for the frontend and WatermelonDB for data storage.


Learn Magnus UI by converting a Dribble Design Into a React Native App

Learn Magnus UI by converting a Dribble Design Into a React Native App.


Sync React Native Offline app data from WatermelonDB to PostgreSQL

Learn how to sync watermelondb data with server side api and postgresql.


Build a fully offline app using React Native and WatermelonDB

See how you can build a fully featured offline app using React Native for the frontend and WatermelonDB for data storage.


Mood tracking app with ionic, mobx and react

Ionic now offers a React integration. Take it for a spin by building a full mood-tracking app alongside TypeScript and MobX.


REST Api With MongoDB and Nest.js

Nest.js is a new backend framework built using typescript. It aims to become the Angular Framework for serverside application. This post will walk you through building a very basic REST api using nest.js and mongodb as the persistent data layer.


Send push notification from rails to an ionic app

Somehow, everytime I have had to setup push notification, I have struggled with every step so I decided to write up the whole process and hopefully someone will find it as helpful as I do.
